Monday, August 31, 2009

Taxi strike – How it disrupts our life?

Last night I sat and planned what I was going to do in the kitchen the next day. I always do this the night before I am expecting my domestic. As I only hired her 2 times a week, I try to do most of my house and kitchen messes at that time of the week. There’s one thing that I realized is that when having an infant in the house, you never know when you not going to have the energy or the time to do anything. So I try to do as much extra work when I have the time, energy and the help of my domestic.

Well anyway here I sat and decided to do some extra cooking and extra food for my baby for the upcoming week. I boiled the veggies, took out extra meat from the freezer and decided to go to bed to have an early night for the day ahead of me. I tried not to look at the clutter in the kitchen and the leftover dishes from the supper earlier. Sometimes I feel sorry for the domestics but they are there to make our life easier and we are paying them are small fortune to help us.

Well morning has come and I am re-energized after getting some sleep, besides the 4 times my baby decided to wake just for some comfort. Walking in the untidy kitchen, I decided to start the day cooking before my domestic arrives. Time has passed and here I am with a more messed up kitchen and no domestic. After trying to get hold of her a couple of times, she informs me that there is no taxi to get to work. Well now here I am, infuriated at the taxi drivers and this BRT system. I know it is expected to make our lives easier somehow, but in a way, it is making our lives more difficult, especially for us housewives, who rely on people who use public transport. I sit and wonder how many other housewives or bosses are sitting now without workers or employers to help them. Now I got to go and do the other house work and clean up my kitchen. It is better to sit and think what is going on in the world around us before planning our coming days!

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